Hello! I'm a happy conceptual creator with roots in the Graphic Design Industry. I love solving problems, coming up with creative solutions and make them come to life. Code has been a friend of mine for years, but recently we started bonding and now we've become best friends. I feel like this is just the beginning of something big...
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ES6, React/JSX, Redux, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Sass, Styled Components, APIs, Figma, Adobe CC, Wordpress, WooCommerce, Web Accessibility, SEO, mob-programming, pair-programming, Github, Command Line.
Home page of creative storyteller Caroline Borg. Built with React, React Router, Redux and backend built in Sanity.>>
A game where the player enter their name and gets to follow a path made by continuously sending POST-requests to an API, recieving new directions as response.>>
Allowing the user to add tasks, check them, delete them, add new ones and sort them by category. Tasks are stored locally.>>
A responsive survey website featuring questions with input texboxes, checkboxes, radiobuttons and a dropdown selector. Survey results are connected to a Realtime Database on Google Firebase.>>
Listing movies from The Movie Database API, allowing the user to see each movie individually, similar movies to each one or list movies by chosen category.>>
Small site where you can send happy thoughts to a database, list all thoughts and like them. Site also features a like-count per session and error handling.>>
Introduction to Redux. Allowing the user to answer questions, getting instant feedback on every answer, displaying progress and a summary with all questions/answers + score.>>
Fully responsive website based on data from multiple endpoints of the Spotify API.>>
Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, featuring a search bar, geolocation, a cute weather-approporiate gif while fetching data from Openweather API.>>
Responsive website where you can get a randomly generated smoothie recipe, select a favorite fruit to impact the randomizer and reveal the recipe.>>
Responsive website with chat bot-layout for ordering pizza. Featuring a countdown timer, forms and sticky navbar.>>
Responsive site that features info on breakpoints, showing the user what unit they are browsing on and where to read more about breakpoints.>>
Business website for podcast/community Vattnet Går. Design, Graphic profile and development made by me. Built using Elementor for Wordpress.>>
I work in VS Code, run version control on Git/Github, look h4cky typing in the Command Line, design/wireframe in Figma (or Sketch), modify my content in Adobe Creative Suite and communicate on Slack.
Sometimes I write. All thoughts can be read in full here.
Nov 15th, 2020
The girl who lived. Continue reading >>